Friday 2 December 2016


Reflection questions
1. What was the purpose of your advertisement?  e.g. Was it to sell a product (state what product) or an event (state what event) or encourage people to change their behaviour (e.g. to stop smoking)?
A: The purpose of my advertisement is to reach out to the public to come and watch Pink Pulse's dance studio's 2016 End of Year Showcase.
2. What was the main image (or dominant image) in your advertisement?  Why did you choose this image?
A: The main image of my advertisement is the Pink Pulse Dance Studio's logo, the reason why I chose this image is because the people who want to come and see the show needs to know what Pink Pulse Dance studio looks like and so that they will remember our logo.
3. What colours, or shades of colours, did you choose for your advertisement?  Why did you choose these colours?
A: I chose pink, black, neon yellow, yellow, red, blue and silver. Pink and black symbolises our logo and neon yellow symbolises one of first group dance costumes as a team. Blue and silver symbolises in this photo because Sophie and I are the only seniors that have been in a championship so far which is a big achievement.
4. What verbal techniques (language features) did you use in your advertisement, and why?
A: I didn't use any language techniques in this ad.
5. Who is the target audience for your advertisement?  How have you targeted this audience?
A: The community, I have targeted this type of audience by persuading the community to come and watch Pink Pulse's End of Year Showcase.
6. What is the message in your advertisement? (e.g. if you buy this perfume, you will be glamorous)
A:  If you come to Pink Pulses End of year Showcase you will be starstrucked because of all of our breathtaking and amazing performers.
7. What skills have you learnt in this unit?  How could you use these skills in other subjects or in your personal life?
A: The skills I have learnt in this unit is how to persuade people to like your product or persuade them to come to your show.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Be Funky editing

Editing these images I used BeFunky
I am learning to to manipulate digital images to create interesting and powerful effects.
The purpose of my advert is to promote make-up.
I am pleased with with the Photoshop effects and the outcome.
My next step is to make an advert for a product.

Thursday 17 November 2016

Wednesday 16 November 2016

P.E Week 3

The dimension of well-being affected in today’s activity was Social well-being.

The factor that influenced my participation in Handball today was being able to do this physical activity with friends or choose my own group
This influenced my participation positively because I enjoy playing handball with all of my friends.
An example of this was communicating well with our team mates.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Advertisements project

Advertisements project
1. What is being advertised? - Nike shoes
2. Who is the target audience for this product?  How can you tell? - Kids because there are Nike kid shoes that have been advertised. Parents are also a target audience for this advertisement as well because the parents are paying for the shoes so this ad influences parents to buy Nike shoes for their kids. 
3. When was this ad made?  What clues in the ad help you work out when the ad was made? -  This ad was made in 1990, I can tell this ad was made in 1990 because of the camera quality and of the make of the shoes.
4. What are the dominant colours in this ad?  Why do you think these colours were used? - White was mostly used in this ad because they are advertising white Nike shoes in this ad. White symbolises light, goodness, safety, purity and cleanliness.
5. What is the narrative in this ad? - A kid who plays trick shots anywhere he goes and it influences him to play basketball all day, the shoes are being advertising in this ad to make people think that the shoes would make them better at playing basketball. 

1. What is being advertised? - It's not really an ad but it's an Inspirational ad.
2. Who is the target audience for this product?  How can you tell? - Every age because this ad influences everyone to JUST DO IT!

3. When was this ad made?  What clues in the ad help you work out when the ad was made? - 2015/2016 because of the video quality

4. What are the dominant colours in this ad?  Why do you think these colours were used? - Every colour was used in this ad mostly blue and green were used in this ad because, blue symbolises intelligence, confidence, loyalty and wisdom. The colour blue also relates to the sky and water, swimming and diving uses water to play the sport so blue is a very important colour for Nike. Green symbolises growth, harmony, freshness and fertility. Green is also the colour of nature and can have a healing restful power.

5. What is the narrative in this ad? - To JUST DO IT! go and do what you dream about it's your life, live it to the fullest. In this ad lots of children believe that they can beat the pros for the sports they play, it's not impossible.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

P.E Week #2

P.E Week #2

The dimension of well-being affected in today’s activity was mental/emotional well-being.

The factor that influenced my participation in bench-ball and chicken run today was a sense of achievement .
This influenced my participation positively because we all had to participate in bench-ball and chicken run.
An example of this was each passing the ball to each other and participating as a group really well together. My sense of achievement worked really well this week in P.E since I got three whole runs in chicken run.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

P.E Week 1

P.E Week 1

The dimension of well-being affected in today’s activity was physical well-being.

The factor that influenced my participation in handball today was fun and enjoyment.
This influenced my participation positively because It was a very enjoyable game and we got to run up and down the court trying to score goals for our teams.
An example of this was: Passing the ball to our teammates and cheering our teammates on when they were participating very well.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Creative writing

Nature Poem
Seasons of Love

This is a poem of the seasons of love.

The summer came and I think about you nearly everyday,
The day eventually comes to an end, I’m lying on my bed staring at the ceiling
Thinking about you once again.
The good vibes come to me again and I feel like I am on top of the world but it still doesn’t feel the same.

The leaves fall, orange and yellow.
The leaves relate to the colour of my love for you, the colours that are close to the colour I want but the red isn’t there yet.
I look around but you're not there,
I feel lost.

Ice cold, stone cold, my heart is stone cold.
All I want to do is cuddle up in the warmth with you,
I’m stuck inside the cold hearted forcefield,
Ignoring all of your words.
Not talking to anyone.

A new season once again,
A new life for us, new feelings.
You're chasing after me, I slow down.
I don’t know if I will be able to speak to you again
After all that happened.

By Ellie Brown.

Short Story

Spirit Mayhem

In a village near South Yorkshire, there lived a 12 year old british girl her name was Lucy.
Lucy was a very polite girl until one night, she heard creaks and loud unusual noises coming from the living room downstairs. Lucy got out of her bed very carefully and tried not to make even a single noise, she got to her bedroom door and there was no noise at all coming from the living room. All of a sudden a mist of white dust came towards Lucy, she reached out to the white mist. The white mist came flying towards her, Lucy fell on the floor while she tried to duck.

SMASH! Her jewelry box was on the floor, Lucy ran over to her jewelry box she opened the jewelry box and the little ballerina was twirling around inside, the ballerina was parallel looking at Lucy straight in the eyes. Lucy felt something touch her shoulder a cold breeze, Lucy turned around looking at the white mist Lucy screamed at the top of her lungs in fear. The white mist travelled into Lucy, all of a sudden it wasn’t the same polite Lucy it was a possessed demon that had been living in this house for many years.

The demon was controlling Lucy, Lucy tried to get out of the demon but there was no way out. First the demon walked to Lucy’s parents bedroom and tapped on Lucy’s Mum and the demon spued out blood from their evil insides. Lucy’s Mum was in fear and terror, the blood had an infection in it, the aftermath of the infection is whenever someone gets spewed on by a demon they go to hell.
Lucy’s Mum thought it was Lucy so she tried to speak to her, the demon inside of Lucy marched downstairs to the living room and smashed every antique like there was no tomorrow.

KNOCK! KNOCK! There was someone knocking at the door so the demon marched to the door, the demon opened the door and standing outside to door was the famous Ghostbusters with there weapons to try and catch the demon. The demon flew out of Lucy straight away as the Ghostbusters were trying to catch the spooky haunted demon, Lucy ran up stairs to her parents room but something was rather strange, the window was open and her Mother wasn’t there. Lucy felt frightened and suspicious.

It turned morning and there was still no sign of Lucy’s Mum, Lucy walked downstairs to the living room and she peaked through inside the keyhole of the door handle, there was no sign of anyone. She walked back upstairs to her parents bedroom and her Dad was still fast asleep in bed. Lucy decided to go and wake her Dad up, she turned her dad over and her dad’s face was inside out. Lucy ran to the bottom of the stairs in fear, she tried to get out the front door it was locked, she tried the back door it was locked she even tried to get out the window, the window was like it was superglued.

DONG! The big clock struck, Lucy gasped and turned around to be facing the white mist once again. She ran to the bottom of the basement and hid behind the secret door, she slammed the door as hard as she could and locked the door very quickly. SLAM! The basement door shut, Lucy was very scared so she curled up into a ball in a small cardboard box without even making a sound. Lucy heard footsteps coming towards her, she saw dark shadows under the crack of the secret door.

The door opened very slowly, Lucy’s heartbeat was beating really fast then the creepy shadow opened the cardboard box which was the box that Lucy was in. Lucy saw light and hands opening the cardboard box. LUCY! Shouted the creepy dark shadow, Lucy looked up and the creepy shadow wasn’t as creepy as she thought it would be, standing behind the cardboard box was someone she loved with all her heart it was her Mum! Lucy jumped out the box with excitement and hugged her so hard like she couldn’t breathe. Lucy asked her Mum
“Where have you been, you weren’t in your bedroom as I last saw”

Lucy’s Mum replied and said, “I was looking for you sweetheart”. Lucy looked puzzled. Mum asked Lucy,  “What on earth were you thinking? What happened?” Lucy was still lost in her head, while she was trying to figure out what actually happened, Lucy couldn’t even speak a word she was that flabbergasted. Mum asked Lucy if she was hungry or not, there was still no reply from Lucy. Lucy just decided to go to bed and sleep all of this madness through. KNOCK! KNOCK! There was someone behind Lucy’s door, the door opened and it was her Dad to come and wake Lucy up. Lucy jumped out the bed and raced to her dad to jump and hug him, Lucy didn’t let go of her Dad at all she was nearly strangling him because she was that excited to see him. Lucy’s Dad carried Lucy down the stairs to the kitchen to have breakfast with the whole family, they had golden crisp pancakes with luscious golden syrup. Lucy thought and thought about last night and she decided just to forget about it she said it was just all a dream.

The End
By Ellie Brown

Short Poem

I have kicked your
new soccer ball
the tree

And which
you were going
to play with
after lunch

Forgive me
I was having
so much fun

Thursday 1 September 2016

Nature Poem

Seasons of Love

This is a poem of the seasons of love.

The summer came and I think about you nearly everyday,
The day eventually comes to an end, I’m lying on my bed staring at the ceiling
Thinking about you once again.
The good vibes come to me again and I feel like I am on top of the world but it still doesn’t feel the same.

The leaves fall, orange and yellow.
The leaves relate to the colour of my love for you, the colours that are close to the colour I want but the red isn’t there yet.
I look around but you're not there,
I feel lost.

Ice cold, stone cold, my heart is stone cold.
All I want to do is cuddle up in the warmth with you,
I’m stuck inside the cold hearted force field,
Ignoring all of your words.
Not talking to anyone.

A new season once again,
A new life for us, new feelings.
You're chasing after me, I slow down.
I don’t know if I will be able to speak to you again
After all that happened.

By Ellie Brown.

Friday 10 June 2016