Wednesday 22 March 2017

Human Rights - Social Studies

Essay Structure

What are the most important human rights:


Human rights are essential to everyone, human rights make us the people we are today. In Paris 1948 on the 10th December the Universal declaration of human rights was published in the history of human rights. In this essay I will be talking about three human rights that are the most important out of all human rights, the three topics I will be talking about are the right to life, freedom and education.
Paragraph 1:

The right to life is one of the most important rights to human life because everyone has the right to live. All humans should have the right to live because in India to be born they value males over females because in India they think that more males are better for working/money since males are strong and tough and they think that they don’t need females because they are useless to them unless they are making babies. I think it’s wrong to kill newborn babies that are female in India because females can do a lot of things that men can’t and can do, females aren’t useless!
Paragraph 2:

Everyone has the right to freedom, there are lots of different ways of freedom. In 1964 in Mississippi, three civil right workers were murdered because they had been working with a campaign by trying to register African Americans in the states to vote. KKK were against coloured people so they hung them and tortured them because they didn’t want black people anywhere to be found. Freedom from torture and mortifying treatment should be for everyone because torture is a horrible way of getting abused or dying.
Paragraph 3:

Education should be absolutely necessary for everyone because whether you're dumb, black or have issues of some sort, everyone should have the right to education. Learning stuff is a part of growing up, education is so important for a human because without an education you wouldn’t know how to write, how to work out math equations and how to communicate with others. Without an education you wouldn’t know anything so that’s why it’s very important for everyone to have the right to an education.

These are the three most important rights of being human, in this essay I explained the most important rights to me. Human rights are essential for everyone in this world, human rights make us the people that we are today.

By Ellie Brown